The Perception of Domestic Tourists on Local Street Food in the Malioboro Area

Awaliya, Latifah and Jonet, Nikasius and Nugroho, Setyo Prasiyono (2023) The Perception of Domestic Tourists on Local Street Food in the Malioboro Area. STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies), 1 (01). pp. 13-20.

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The development of street food in Malioboro creates diverse tourists. Diversity causes a different perception of traveler archipelago about wish taste, price, and quality service fromlocal street food in Malioboro. Study this aim to identify the perception of the archipelago travel and its implication in increasing interest in traveler archipelago to the local street food in Malioboro. The research method used is method qualitative descriptive. Whereas the method of data collection research this conducted through questionnaires, interviews, observation field, documentation, and study library. method analysis in the study uses the theory of Milles & Huberman (in Sugiyono, 2014) which includes: data reduction, data presentation, data retrieval decision/verification/ conclusion. Research results show that based on profile geography, Malioboro is dominated by traveler which originated from outside DIY. Based on profile demographics, Malioboro is dominated by tourists manifold sex females aged 17-26 years. Perception traveler archipelago about price, taste, and quality service from local street food in Malioboro get positive perception. Efforts conducted party UPT Malioboro to increase interested travelers street food local that is guard quality product food and drink, increase hygiene and sanitation on Terrace Malioboro 1 to provide a sense of security and comfort to travelers and procurement events on the Terrace Malioboro 1.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Street Food Local, Perception, Price, Taste, Quality Service
Subjects: Tourism
Corporate Business, Business Organization > Human Resource Development > Employee > Service Quality
Divisions: Perhotelan D-III
Depositing User: Bama Suprobojati SIP.
Date Deposited: 02 Jan 2024 06:05
Last Modified: 02 Jan 2024 06:22

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