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Albattat, Ahmad and Prasetyanto, Hermawan and Prasetyanto, Hermawan Gastronomy Traditional Culinary Names at Gadri Restaurant, Yogyakarta Palace Through Ethnolinguistics History and Culture. Journal of Islamic Tourism (JIT), 2 (2). pp. 36-94. ISSN 2791-7959
Dewi, Bulqis Purnama and Nugroho, Setyo Prasiyono and Sugesti, Sahlit (2022) Preservation of ‘Jenang’ as Gastronomy Tourism in Yogyakarta. Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture (UNCLLE), 2 (1). pp. 376-385. ISSN 2798-7302
Hasnah, Vivin Afanin and Nugroho, Setyo Prasiyono (2021) Gastronomi Makanan Yogyakarta Sebagai Atraksi Wisata Kuliner. Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture (UNCLLE), 1 (1). pp. 141-154. ISSN 2798-7302
Joan, Farah Fadilah Putri (2022) Minuman Tradisional Moke Sebagai Wisata Gastronomi (Studi Eksplorasi Pada Rumah Produksi Moke “Kuwu Habi” Kabupaten Sikka). Bachelor thesis, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta.
Joan, Farah Fadilah Putri and Nugroho, Setyo Prasiyono and Setiaji, Yudi (2022) Traditional Moke Drinks as Gastronomy Tourism: An Exploratory Study. Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture (UNCLLE), 2 (1). pp. 368-375. ISSN 2798-7302
Latifah, Fauziyati Khairul (2022) Potensi Daya Tarik Sate Klathak Sebagai Wisata Gastronomi di Kabupaten Bantul. Bachelor thesis, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta.
Nugroho, Setyo Prasiyono and Cahyanto, Bima Dwi and Prasetyanto, Hermawan (2022) Molecular Gastronomi Methods in Es Teller: Jellification Technique. STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies), 1 (01). pp. 216-222.
Nugroho, Setyo Prasiyono and Cahyanto, Bima Dwi and Prasetyanto, Hermawan (2022) Molecular Gastronomi Methods in Es Teller: Jellification Technique. Procedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies, 1 (1). pp. 216-222. ISSN 3021-8225
Nugroho, Setyo Prasiyono and Duari, I Putu Hardani Hesti (2020) Gastronomi Makanan Khas Keraton Yogyakarta Sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Wisata Kuliner. Jurnal Pariwisata, 7 (1). pp. 52-62. ISSN 2528-2220
Nugroho, Setyo Prasiyono and Islami, Mona Erythrea Nur and Setiaji, Yudi (2019) Tourists’ Motivation in Visiting nDalem Prince Joyokusuman (Gadri Resto) Yogyakarta as a Gastronomy Tourism Destination. Scitepress Digital Library. pp. 37-42. ISSN 978-989-758-495-4
Nugroho, Setyo Prasiyono and Kurniawati, Neni and Sinangjoyo, Nikasius Jonet and Islami, Mona Erythrea Nur (2021) Potential Gastronomy Tourist Attraction in the Area of Alun-Alun Utara Yogyakarta. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 22. pp. 630-640. ISSN 2668-7798
Setiawan, Deni (2022) Analisis Kualitas Bunga Telang Sebagai Pewarna Tambahan Pada Olahan Boba Thai Tea. Bachelor thesis, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta.